Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Raynes Research

Sometimes we wonder how we fit into the Raynes family picture here in the Western Hemisphere. If you have a Raynes name in your ancestry, you can search this document by using the search feature (CTRL-F) on your keyboard: johnteets.com/CaptFrancisRaynes.pdf
     Not only can you find your ancestor's name here, you will probably be able to take your research back several generations. I have seen the research that went into this database, and most of it was based on primary sources. Personal letters from family representatives were used as sources to reinforce that research. In our own line, DNA through my brother Joseph Raynes, confirmed our research. And thanks to people like David C. Young, I've found local information when I needed it. Recent online posting of records has made a lot of information available, cutting drastically into the time it takes to construct our family tree. But if you want the original work, the hold-in-your-hand kind of reference, I highly recommend buying this for your bookshelf:   http://books.google.com/books/about/The_Maine_Line_Raynes.html?id=x8ZjMQAACAAJ

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you have a lot of resources in which to pull information and photos from. Your family must love seeing all the information on your blog.
